Virtual Open House

Welcome to the virtual open house for the SA Tomorrow Multimodal Transportation Plan!


Please click on the open house stations below to find information around specific topics related to the plan development process as well as the opportunity to comment using interactive forms.  

This site will be open through August 11, 2015, so please tell your friends and neighbors o we can hear from as many people as possible.  Before visiting our open house, please take a moment to watch the video below.



Station 1: Spend the Beans

Participate in an activity to convey how you would spend limited transportation resources.

Station 2: Achieving Our Transportation Goals

Provide feedback on transportation goals proposed for inclusion in the plan.

Station 3: Expanding Our Resources

Comment on potential options that could generate more transportation money.

Station 4: Building Our System, Respecting Our Neighbors

Share your ideas on what should be emphasized on different types of streets.

Station 5: Existing Conditions

Review the findings of our existing conditions review and provide your feedback.

Station 6: Study Corridors

Take a look at the corridors selected for further study and provide your input on transportation needs.