Process + Schedule


The Multimodal Transportation Plan will be implementation-focused. The final plan will guide strategic investments—for bicycles, pedestrians, vehicles, and transit—in the City of San Antonio for the next 25 years and beyond.


The SA Tomorrow approach includes EVERYONE, especially YOU, and will address issues of importance to the entire community including transportation, jobs, housing, air and water quality, and energy efficiency. The City of San Antonio will be leading the effort, with support from partnering agencies, and involvement from the public every step of the way. Please join us as we explore the future, plan to accommodate this growth, and preserve our resources and quality of life. Following is a graphic depiction of our process and efforts over the coming months.

Process + Schedule Graphic

Multimodal Transportation Process Graphic

Deputy City Manager Peter Zanoni, Mayor Ivy Taylor, and VIA CEO Jeff Arndt talking at the March 2015 kick-off press conference.

Councilman Ron Nirenberg, chair of the City Council Community Planning Committee, addresses the media at the March 2015 kick-off press conference.

Public involvement will be a key component throughout the SA Tomorrow planning effort.